Connect to a Greener Life Branding


Over the last four years the Village Council has been working on improving the quality of life in Perth-Andover and expanding our growth potential. 

Last fall, over a year ago, the Village Council decided that, in order to showcase our community as a great place to live, raise a family, shop, operate a business, visit, retire, and so on, we needed to  take another look at our branding – our municipal logo, slogan, styling, etc.  What is this for/what does “branding” do?

  • Demonstrates the key reasons for pride in our community
  • Gives a clear, consistent sense of community identity
  • Serves as a tool for attracting new business, investment, high profile events
  • Shows Perth-Andover as active & progressive and puts our community on the map
  • Increases tourism
  • Supports local community development efforts
  • Provides unity for all sorts of public signage & promotional activities

Last fall council conducted interviews and then selected a firm from Fredericton, Outreach Productions, to help us develop a new logo.  They studied Perth-Andover for a while, then in the spring worked with a group from Perth-Andover, including council, staff, and representatives from a few different demographics & points of view to come up a fresh new idea that would signify our quality of life and potential for the next decade or so. 

This logo will be used all over the place – on municipal letterhead & stationery, brochures, signage, website, etc.  Work on the village website is underway to make it more spiffy and user-friendly; the whole look of the website will match up with the new logo. 

Please take a look below and emails us any comments or suggestions you may have to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Feedback from the community will be greatly appreciated!  We have a terrific community with lots to offer, and we need our “branding” to really show that off!






Purpose, and meaning.

The new Brand of Perth-Andover is being developed to help the Village grow in a direction for a “Greener Life” for the existing community, new families, tourists, entrepreneurs, business people, and the recreational lifestyle in the beautiful scenery of the Village. This is to welcome everyone, and give an opportunity for people to live, work, and grow in a healthy lifestyle in Perth-Andover.

A Greener life is not only environmentally friendly. It is healthy living, fresh air, recreational activities, resourceful, inspiring, business friendly, and has a community that is active, and supportive. It is an opportunity to start a life, and raise a family or business. A Greener Life, is a better life in many ways.

A Brand is not just a sign by the Highway, or a nice logo. A Brand is a mission that requires action, and planning. This new Brand will shape the Village of Perth-Andover.


Need to develop key focus areas that become part of the overall marketing strategy.

Perth-Andover Connect to a Greener Life

  • Perth-Andover Connect to Healthy Active Lifestyle
  • Perth-Andover Connect to Community
    • Community Organizations
    • Volunteering
    • Citizen Engagement
  • Perth-Andover Connect to Affordable Green Energy
    • Providing green electricity since 1903!
    • Lowest Power Rates
  • Perth-Andover Connect to Economic Opportunities
    • Low cost real estate
    • Industrial Park
    • Economic Incentives
  • Perth-Andover Connect to Returning to your Home
    • Reconnect family and friends
    • Affordable Living
  • Perth-Andover Connect to a Scenic Rural Lifestyle
    • River, Trails
    • Nature, Hunting, Fishing
  • Perth-Andover Connect to a Great Location
    • Scenic River Valley
    • Benefits of Rural
    • Close to Urban Centers, United States, Quebec, and PEI & Nova Scotia


  • Perth-Andover Connect to a Better You
  • Perth-Andover Connect to Quality Living
  • Perth-Andover Connect to Proactive Thinking
  • Perth-Andover Connect to Culture

Perth-Andover Connect to Purpose 


The “Branding Vision” can be a very important piece of our overall municipal strategic planning process. A well-defined branding strategy will complement and support Council’s mission/vision statements and influence our strategic plan. 

We have included Council’s Mission and Vision statement, top three branding slogans, current logo choices, Council’s Strategic Plan, and a draft of key phrases and areas for promotion.



The Village of Perth-Andover Municipal Council is elected to serve the citizens of Perth-Andover.  We do this with integrity by being an open, responsive, and fiscally accountable corporate body, dedicated to providing services leading to a healthy, well planned, and economically vibrant community.


To become a desirable community in which to live, work, and play.  We will work to overcome challenges by making them opportunities for growth and enhancement for the local economy, culture, recreation and social amenities and services.


  • to listen
  • to pursue green sustainability
  • to provide services which are prompt, reliable, and cost effective
  • to continually strive to improve the quality of everything we do
  • to communicate openly and act with integrity and accountability
  • to display a courteous and considerate attitude in all our affairs
  • to invest in the competence of our staff, leading and empowering them to make effective and proactive decisions in the workplace
  • to ensure our amenities are well maintained and welcoming to all

Why use these colours?

Part of the Perth-Andover mission as a brand, is to represent the Village as a place to live, grow, and be part of a fun and healthy lifestyle as a community for families of all ages. Not only a healthy lifestyle for the people, but healthy for the environment.

A “Greener” life represents overall health in people, and earth. These colours reflect these standards through colour theory. This is a Fresh, natural, and inspiring palette.

