Mayor & Council
The Mission Statement of the Municipal Council Shall Be:
- We are elected to serve the citizens of Perth-Andover. We do this with integrity by being an open, responsive, and fiscally accountable corporate body, dedicated to providing services leading to a healthy, well planned and economically vibrant community for all to live and work in.
- The principals that we foster are:
- We will listen.
- We will provide services which are prompt , reliable, and cost effective.
- We will continually strive to improve the quality of everything we do.
- We will communicate openly and act with integrity and accountability.
- We will display a courteous and considerate attitude in all of our affairs.
- We will invest in the competence of our staff, leading and empowering them to make effective and pro active decisions in the workplace
Administration Department
The provision of quality customer services, successful administration of municipal policies and finances and the promotion of economic development in the community.
Light Comission
The provision of reliable and affordable power for the residential and commercial customers in the Municipality, with safety.
Public Works Department
Provision of quality services in water, sewer, green areas, and streets for the residential and commercial customers in the municipality.
Recreation Department
The Perth-Andover Recreation Commission is an in corporated non-profit board which has been established by the Village of Perth-Andover to act as the legal body for the organization and administration of recreational facilities and programs for the people of our community and surrounding area